3-Star Hotel De Londres Riccione with exclusive services

We care very much about making all our guests feel welcome and at ease at all times. A holiday is a long-awaited moment that deserves to be experienced without worries. For this reason, whether you choose the B&B, the Holiday Option or the All Inclusive accommodation type, our services are always included.

Heated pool

With whirlpool

Free parking

Reserved and enclosed, 600/700 m away

Garage for a fee

Covered, 150 m away, € 10 per day

Admission to the Beach Village

Free every day

Special agreements

Amusement parks and clubs

Free bicycles

Also with a child seat, subject to availability

Hotel restaurant

With typical Romagna cuisine

Drinks included with meals

Water and local wine

Free Wi-Fi

Throughout the hotel

Modern rooms

All with balcony or small balcony
To be booked directly

Affiliated beach

Bagni Alfredo Zona 111, 50 m away